Total Resource Cost test (aka TRC) is a method created in California, but used around the country, to measure the cost effectiveness of utility rate payer programs, compared to the cheapest source of power production. This test does not account for any of the societal benefits derived from energy efficiency, nor does it account for drivers of consumer behavior such as comfort and health.
While TRC can make one's eyes glaze over, this test is killing good programs across the country. We need to reform or (better) replace TRC with a test that is closer to what drives markets that allows energy efficiency to compete on its many merits, not just using this narrow definition. To address this problem, the National Home Performance Council, along with a diverse set of stakeholders including utilities, government agencies, contractors, and your truly, came together to examine alternatives to TRC ranging from improvements to what we got to completely new approaches. Get yourself a scotch (or coffee) and read this REPORT. Comments are closed.
AuthorMatt Golden, Principal Archives
October 2017