An insightful article on energy labeling and how it may or may not impact house values at time of sale. I think that many of us in the energy efficiency community believe the fundamental premise that disclosure of energy data is an important missing link in the value chain of home energy. Appraisers currently have no quantifiable way to associate the value of energy efficiency measures in terms of reduced operating costs, with increased value. However, it has been remarkable hard to correlate energy savings with housing values.
This article does a good job balancing the premise with the available data. This is especially relevant when looked at in the context of the SAVE ACT, legislation moving through congress that may require all federally backed mortgages to include energy bench marking disclosure at time of sale, and that this information is taken into account to allow larger mortgages on more efficient homes. Washington Post By Kenneth R. Harney, Published: August 26 Housing groups and housing officials say definitive data covering multiple regions of the country are scarce. But some localized research projects in Oregon, Washington state and California offer promising hints. (FULL ARTICLE) ACI Home Energy Leadership Summit
March 26-27, Baltimore, MD - Hilton Baltimore Road-Map to a Sustainable Future: Aligning Public and Private Market InterestsThe upcoming 3rd Annual ACI Home Energy Leadership Summit will convene leaders from the policy, finance and utility sectors together with the leadership of the home performance industry. This intensive two-day event is designed to explore a future where public policy and private sector interests are aligned to create a robust, sustainable market for whole-house retrofits. The ambitious goal of upgrading more than 70 million U.S. homes will require an investment of over a trillion dollars. This can only be achieved through a collaboration of public policy with the business owners, utilities, lenders and homeowners who will be required to invest large amounts of capital to reach these goals. While progress is being made; current incentives and regulation are the foundation for a sustainable market for whole-house retrofits in the future. This conference will envision future models operating at scale, and start an ongoing conversation about pathways to market transformation. The good news is that well-crafted public policies can play a crucial role in driving the market forward. In mature programs we have seen significant reductions in costs on a per project basis, and in analogous industries, such as solar, we are starting to see large scale private investment, based on long term policy horizons and data to prove that these projects can reliably produce energy with low default risk. As the public subsidies necessary to support the current approach to market development are almost certain to decrease sharply in coming years, it is important that we act now while we still have the resources to shape the market of the future. This year’s ACI Home Energy Leadership Summit will focus on the intersection of public policy and the private sector investment decisions that are highly data-driven and adverse to uncertainty. Conference sessions will look forward to help develop a vision for the future of the home performance industry and will feature discussions of the type and quality of data, investment returns, and policy positions necessary to attract private investment while achieving the public good. Featuring important industry keynotes and breakouts focused on the utility sector, the finance sector, and market delivery, this event is for leaders who are interested in shaping the future of the home performance industry. Join the Leaders at the Center of the Industry. The Center For American Progress has published a new report on job creation recommending a package of bills meant to spur demand for building retrofitting. The construction sector remains in a virtual depression with unemployment well over 20% nationwide.
Spurring Job Creation in the Private Sector Three Elements that Any Jobs Plan Should Include |
AuthorMatt Golden, Principal Archives
October 2017